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As an ASIS member you’ll enjoy these benefits and more!

Global Network of 35,000 professionals

  • Hundreds of chapters worldwide to connect with regional colleagues
  • 30+ councils that provide targeted content from industry experts
  • ASIS Connects – collaborate with peers on our new community platform

Education & Global Events

  • Members-only savings on webinars, classroom programs, and e-learning
  • Year-round conferences, executive summits and Global Security Exchange (GSX)—members enjoy substantial savings on registration
  • Become Certified to raise your professional advantage with member discounts

News and Content

  • Members enjoy a free download of each ASIS Standard & Guideline, council white papers and research reports
  • Subscription to Security Management magazine
  • Member pricing on the Protection of Assets (POA) and other security publications in the ASIS Store
  • ASIS newsletters to keep up-to-date with industry news and important member offerings

Leadership & Professional Development

  • Step into Volunteer Leadership roles to share your experience and skills
  • Tap into the ASIS Career Center resources for resume review, job seeking tips, and access to job listings